Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cowards and Collaborators... or is it something more sinister?

Our country is defined by the Constitution of the United States.  This document defines our belief system and is proudly displayed in our capital for all to see.  Furthermore, it details those ideals for which our warriors and patriots are willing to defend to their death.  For proof, look at the oath that our warriors swear when entering the service of this country:  The Armed Forces Oath of Enlistment asks each enlistee to solemnly swear that they “will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” Further, it asks them to “bear true faith and allegiance to the same…”  These people, and others like them that take a similar oath to the constitution and the ideals that founded the United States, are true patriots. 
But, as is the case in all wars (the war on terrorism, included), there are exceptions.  There are people that swear they will support and defend the Constitution but their actions prove otherwise.  These people are commonly called Collaborators, Betrayers, or Traitors.
It seems clear to me that anyone that would approve an Act, like the Patriot Act, that disembowels the Constitution is in fact at odds with those sworn to protect it.  The Patriot Act is the white flag of surrender to our enemies.  It says that everything that we believe in, as embodied in the Constitution of the United States, is meaningless and unnecessary. Our country’s leaders swear an oath to protect and defend this document also.  Instead, our “leaders” have used the Patriot Act to nullify much of the Constitution and in so doing have exposed themselves as traitors to this country.  If that is too harsh for you, then consider also that these same “leaders” leave our southern border open so that any drug dealer, terrorist, or pregnant woman with children can get in.  The very fact that our leaders are leaving the southern border of the United States open, while they repeatedly renew the abomination called the Patriot Act, indicates at the very least that they are collaborators with our enemies.
Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  This statement is as true today as it was in 1775 when Franklin penned it.  Our leaders expect us to believe that we need to relinquish our freedoms to be safe from terrorism.  The Patriot Act opens Pandora’s Box and allows our government to trample our rights, in the name of national security, and gives us little recourse but to except it.  It is transgressions such as permitted by the Patriot Act that lead to the revolution that formed this great country.  The politicians that are voting to extend this act, should always keep that in mind!


  1. Revolution is the ultimate democratic act, the only way for it to succeed is for the majority of people to support it. The danger is maintaining the democracy after the revolution. In our country, democracy was already a habit of the people so after our American Revolution it was natural to maintain it. In the time since, we have grown fat off the land and forgot the tyranny of an over-extended government who seeks gain, not by the sweat of it's brow, but by harvesting the hard work of the people they supposedly serve.

  2. Nicely put Grayman! Overtime the government has grown to the point of being nearly useless, a bottomless pit for our money and its size is daunting to the point that it makes people apathetic. Many ask "what can I do against such a huge bureaucracy?" And often the answer is "take it and stop your whining." We need to step back, as a country, and return to the founding principles which made this country strong. I like the quote that Judge Napolitano on the Fox Business Network says each show. The quote, attributed to Henry David Thoreau, is perhaps the ideal governing philosophy for this country: "That government is best which governs least"

