Saturday, January 19, 2013

More on the Second Amendment

If one wanted to write about government abuse of power, it is clear to see.  Our government is attacking so many of our rights, it is difficult to know where to begin.  This week, I'll stay with the Second Amendment as it is most in the public eye at the moment.  I find it sad that the only amendment in the Bill of Rights that specifically states that it "... shall not be infringed" gets infringed upon each year.  It is obvious, that the government intends to do away with this amendment. 

The latest abuse of power, is the back-room dealing that created New York's latest gun laws.  As all of you gun owners are aware, New York State made many of us felons overnight. If this had been brought forward "in the light of day" and rationally discussed by our representatives, they may have come up with something more meaningful. And to justify this moronic piece of legislation, the ultra-libs are spewing garbage facts about guns.

Anytime you hear some idiot spouting supposed gun "facts" check them out with the FBI.  Each year the FBI publishes "Uniform Crime Reports" with includes data from each state.  For example, in 2011, there were a total of 774 murders in New York State.  Of these:

        445     Murders w/Firearms
        394     Murders w/Handguns
            5     Murders w/Rifles (includes assault weapons)
          16     Murders w/Shotguns
          30     Murders w/Firearms (type unknown)
        160     Murders w/Knives or cutting Instruments
        143     Murders w/Other Weapons
          26     Murders w/Hands, Fists, Feet, etc.

If you examine these statistics, you can see that the best way to make the biggest impact on gun related homicide is to ban assault weapons.  All sarcasm aside, nationally, more people are killed with blunt objects (hammers, clubs etc.) and by hands, fists, and feet than are killed with both rifles and shotguns.

So did the Cuomo plan actually do any good?  Part of the plan is to make people that have pistol permits renew them on a regular basis.  I'm not sure how this will reduce crime as these people are vetted through the permit application process and are not likely to commit a crime of this nature.  I guess we can write this off to "new taxes."

New York State already has the reputation of having some of the most stringent handgun regulations in the country, and yet most of the murders in this state are committed with handguns.  It would appear more laws are not going to work.  Perhaps we should concentrate on enforcing the existing laws before we put more on the books.

Then there is the Assault weapons ban which, as you can see from the numbers, could possibly have prevented 5 murders in 2011.  Face facts, this new law is not about saving lives it is about Andrew Cuomo running for president... this is the beginning of the campaign.

To further confuse matters, the Federal Government is also stepping in to limit our rights.  It is predicted that very little of the President's current "Gun Initiative" will see floor of either house.  He has already stated that he will make the changes by Executive Order if necessary.  This smacks of King George and his many edicts to the colonies.  That aside, as good citizens we should let our representatives know how we feel.  Please e-mail or write your representatives.  Feel free to cut and paste the text below.

"I am writing to you today to urge you to vote against the President's short sighted gun control measures.  As you know, the Second Amendment guarantees each of us the right to keep and bear arms.  This right not only protects us in our homes but also protects us from the tyranny of an overbearing government.  To further restrict this right would only harm law abiding citizens.  Please do everything in your power to defeat these knee-jerk proposals."

Place the following in the subject line: "Please vote in favor of the Second Amendment"

To access your representative's home page and e-mail, enter your zip code in the "find your representative" section of the following web site and navigate to their homepage:

Even though it won't do any good, we should also write to Chucky (Charles Schumer) and Bride of Chucky (Kirsten Gillibrand) if for no other reason than to annoy them.  To access your Senator's home page and e-mail, select your state from the drop-down box in the upper right-hand corner of the page.  Select a senator and navigate to their homepage:


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Save the Constitution... Start with the 2nd Amendment

Our country is defined by the Constitution of the United States.  This document defines our belief system and is proudly displayed in our capital for all to see.  In fact, it is so important that our politicians and soldiers swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

At no other time in the history of this great country have so many of the original amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, in our constitution been under attack.  Many of you do not see the attack because they do not reach congress for debate; they are instead forced down our throats by "Executive Order."  I intend to discuss each of these issues in the coming weeks and months, but first, I will concentrate on the one amendment that makes all of the others possible: The Second Amendment.

We have all heard about the right to keep and bear arms.  The intent of this amendment is to protect us, all of us, from the TYRANNY of an overbearing government. 

The Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary defines tyranny as an "oppressive power; especially: oppressive power exerted by government."  It further defines tyranny as "a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler..."  We have this in the United States, in both cases.  The actual examples are too abundant for me to include all.  However as an example, look at the way "Obamacare" is being force-fed to Catholic hospitals when provisions of the new "Affordable Health Care Plan" are contrary to the religious beliefs of the church.  You would expect to see discussions about this in all of the major tabloids.  But you don't.  Major media does little to expose the short-comings of our current government.  To actually find out what is going on in the USA, you need to look to foreign news agencies.  Take a look at what other countries say about the president's king-like powers otherwise known as executive orders.  See what the Canadian's have to say about Obama's executive orders:

To protect the Constitution of the United States, we need to step up now!  And to any sane person, it is unsavory situation to insist on our right to keep and bear arms after Sandy Hook.  However, it was not a law abiding citizen that did this terrible deed... so there is no reason that law abiding citizens should be attacked for this.  Penalizing law abiding gun owners for Sandy Hook is much like punishing all drivers for the act of a single drunk driver.  If a drunk, driving a truck forces a bus full of school children off a cliff, do we automatically outlaw motorcycles because they are scary?  No, off course we don't, because we look at the situation sensibly.  We must examine this situation sensibly or risk loosing our freedom.

I want to urge everyone to e-mail your NY Senate and Assembly Representatives. Please let them know that you support the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution.  Let them know them know how you feel:

"I am writing to you today to urge you to vote against Governor Coumo's short sighted gun control measures.  As you know the second Amendment guarantees each of us the right to keep and bear arms.  The reason for this amendment is spelled out clearly in the writings of our forefathers and they specified that these rights were God-given and "shall not be infringed."

The Governor's proposed gun control measures will infringe upon law abiding gun owners only.  We can do far more good by simply enforcing the existing laws.  Please do what is right - Your State and your Country depend on you!"

It is important for all of us to weigh in on these issues now, before they become clouded by the spin doctors in the media.

To access your representatives home pages and e-mail, enter your zip code in the "find your representative" section of the following web sites:


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge

Fiscal conservatives in congress are taking a pledge called the Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge.  Please check out the website and add your name to the growing list of supporters.

Once you have completed the form you will be asked to contact your Senators and Congressperson.  I used the e-mail functions which took a few minutes to enter personal contact information, but I just cut and pasted the following (you may have to change the salutation).

Congresswoman Hochul, Congratulations on your recent election to congress.  I am one of your many constituents in the 26th district of NY.  I speak for many, when I say we are sick of the government squandering every dime that they TAKE from us and then coming back for more.  With this in mind, I urge you to consider joining with fiscal conservatives and sign the "Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge."  It is about time that our elected officials began to act responsibly.  We all know the cuts are going to hurt. Do it now! Get it done!

Senator Gillibrand,  I am one of your many constituents in upstate NY.  I speak for many, when I say we are sick of the government squandering every dime that they TAKE from us and then coming back for more.  With this in mind, I urge you to consider joining with fiscal conservatives and sign the "Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge."  It is about time that our elected officials began to act responsibly.  We all know the cuts are going to hurt. Do it now! Get it done!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NY State Legislative Alert

Please note there are two important votes coming up in the state legislature...

1.         NYS Property tax cap and school district mandate relief

Click on link to find your NYS assemblyman, then cut and paste the following message in the Assemblyman's e-mail:

Assemblyman, I have been told that the Property Tax Cap and Mandate Relief bill (bill A03982) has been passed by the Senate and is now being considered by the NYS Assembly.  Please do all that you can to support this bill and get it approved prior to the end of this legislative session.  We need this bill passed so that we can finally see some progress towards reducing the tax burden on the hardworking families of New York.  Without this positive step, people will continue to leave the State to make their fortunes elsewhere.  Thank you.

2.         Extending full marriage rights to all couples in New York

I know many of you reading this blog will disagree with me on the following issue.  Just so you know, I don't hold this one moment of idiocy against you.  Many of you have been brought up to feel that it is acceptable to discriminate against people if they don't fit your definition of an ideal.  I may be guilty of this myself, from time-to-time.  But when I need to lever my head out of my ass, I read about Suffragettes or the civil rights movement.  Both were situations where we discriminated against another group because we felt they were is some way inferior, when in fact, all they were was different than us.  During this NYS legislative session we have the opportunity to right another wrong and recognize that two consenting adults, any two consenting adults, can love and care about each other. Any two people that are willing to share their lives with each and commit to the long-haul of life should certainly be granted every right and responsibility that comes with that type of loving, committed, long-term relationship.  Please contact your senator and ask them to pass bill S66003.

Click on link (or cut and paste into your explorer address field) to find your NYS Senator:

Then cut and paste the following message in the Senator's e-mail:

Dear Senator, Please pass bill S66003 and stop state sponsored discrimination of an important part of our community.  Please extend full marriage rights to all couples in New York.   Thank you.

Please don't confuse legal acknowledgment of a civil union as an assault on your religion.  No one wants to change your religious ideas, whether they are right or wrong!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Defeat Obama Care

Mike Huckabee is asking for our support to repeal Obama Care.  Call 1-800-632-6099 to add your name to the petition.  Hold-on after completing the petition to donate some cash to the cause... every little bit helps!

Let's face it folks, the democrats forcefed us a health care bill load with fat and pork.  And I thought we were supposed to be watching our intake of fatty BS.  They used some 3000 pages and did not accomplish what was needed.  I will cover what is required in less than one letter-sized page. 

1. Cover dependent children until they can purchase their own insurance through work or through an organization.  This was very likely, the only thing Obama Care almost got right.  Obama Care permits parents to cover dependent children to the age of 26 but does not provide additional opportunities to the "young adult"  to become independent.  One way this could have been accomplished is by allowing clubs, social organizations, churches, etc. to solicit and obtain quantity discounted health care from health care insurance companies, to offer their members.

2. Insurance must cover pre-existing conditions without exhorbitant increases in cost to the consumer.

3. Allow interstate competition between insurance companies to reduce consumer prices.

4.  Torte reform to reduce malpractice payouts.  We all know that medicine is more art than science.  And if you are worried that lowering payouts won't hurt enough to get the quacks out of medicine - Use a tiered penalty system, like three strikes and you are out - payouts increase, premiums increase and the physician moves closer to lose of license.  Basically if you make the same mistake three times, you don't get to practice medicine anymore.  Research situations, where the patient is made fully aware  of the risk would not be subject to this penalty system (we do not want to stiffle innovation and research). In research situations the patient would be informed and would sign a release.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Save our savings and our homes...

I sent the following letter to my Senators and my Congressman.  I also sent a follow-up letter explaining how all of this could be accomplished.  Please read this and consider sending it to your Congressman and your Senators.  Just copy it out of the blog and paste it into a word document or an e-mail and send it off.

The Honorable Charles Schumer
United States Senate
313 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Schumer:
With economist predicting anything from hyper-inflation and slight increases in unemployment to a full blown second recession, your constituents are afraid of losing their jobs, homes, and retirement savings.  I believe that I know a way to alleviate, or at least reduce, this fear. 
I would like you to consider an amendment to current tax law that would permit anyone to use their 401(k) or IRA to pay for their primary residence, without penalty.  Allow them to use it as a payoff or as a larger down payment to ease refinancing and to significantly lower their mortgages and thereby their monthly mortgage payments.
For me, and others like me, it would allow us to payoff our homes and provide several benefits:
  1. I would not be loosing my retirement money.  I would simply be investing in real estate rather than stocks.
  2. If a second recession should hit, I would not loose this money through my 401(k) like I did during the last recession.  Many of these 401(k)’s permit you to select from a great variety of poorly managed mutual funds that are adversely impacted by minor economic factors.  Why not, instead, let me invest this money in my home to secure a safe haven for my family during hard times?
  3. With my house paid-off, it will be much easier for my family to survive the recession should I loose my job.  I will not need to worry about paying a monthly mortgage payments which currently eats up a quarter of my wage.  It will also expand the number of job opportunities for me as I will be able to take a job that pays less than my current position and will more likely be able to survive on that income.
  4. If I do not loose my current job, once my house is paid-off I will have increased disposable income equal to my mortgage payment.  Multiply this by the number of people that take advantage of this program and you have a reasonable economic stimulus plan.
  5. Also consider the increase in tax revenue that will become available as the mortgage interest deduction is removed for everyone that takes advantage of this program.
  6. If enough people have the resources to do this, it may help stabilize the housing market and slow the number of bank foreclosures.
I may be overstating the benefits to the government in points 5 & 6 but I am not overstating the benefits to me and my family.  This, like most well intentioned ideas, may have unintended consequences.  For example, it may cause further stock market fluctuations or there may not be many people with the appropriate resources.  I think, however, for those of us that do have the resources, this will have a huge and lasting impact.  Please consider introducing this to the Senate as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
