Saturday, June 11, 2011

Defeat Obama Care

Mike Huckabee is asking for our support to repeal Obama Care.  Call 1-800-632-6099 to add your name to the petition.  Hold-on after completing the petition to donate some cash to the cause... every little bit helps!

Let's face it folks, the democrats forcefed us a health care bill load with fat and pork.  And I thought we were supposed to be watching our intake of fatty BS.  They used some 3000 pages and did not accomplish what was needed.  I will cover what is required in less than one letter-sized page. 

1. Cover dependent children until they can purchase their own insurance through work or through an organization.  This was very likely, the only thing Obama Care almost got right.  Obama Care permits parents to cover dependent children to the age of 26 but does not provide additional opportunities to the "young adult"  to become independent.  One way this could have been accomplished is by allowing clubs, social organizations, churches, etc. to solicit and obtain quantity discounted health care from health care insurance companies, to offer their members.

2. Insurance must cover pre-existing conditions without exhorbitant increases in cost to the consumer.

3. Allow interstate competition between insurance companies to reduce consumer prices.

4.  Torte reform to reduce malpractice payouts.  We all know that medicine is more art than science.  And if you are worried that lowering payouts won't hurt enough to get the quacks out of medicine - Use a tiered penalty system, like three strikes and you are out - payouts increase, premiums increase and the physician moves closer to lose of license.  Basically if you make the same mistake three times, you don't get to practice medicine anymore.  Research situations, where the patient is made fully aware  of the risk would not be subject to this penalty system (we do not want to stiffle innovation and research). In research situations the patient would be informed and would sign a release.


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