Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge

Fiscal conservatives in congress are taking a pledge called the Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge.  Please check out the website and add your name to the growing list of supporters.

Once you have completed the form you will be asked to contact your Senators and Congressperson.  I used the e-mail functions which took a few minutes to enter personal contact information, but I just cut and pasted the following (you may have to change the salutation).

Congresswoman Hochul, Congratulations on your recent election to congress.  I am one of your many constituents in the 26th district of NY.  I speak for many, when I say we are sick of the government squandering every dime that they TAKE from us and then coming back for more.  With this in mind, I urge you to consider joining with fiscal conservatives and sign the "Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge."  It is about time that our elected officials began to act responsibly.  We all know the cuts are going to hurt. Do it now! Get it done!

Senator Gillibrand,  I am one of your many constituents in upstate NY.  I speak for many, when I say we are sick of the government squandering every dime that they TAKE from us and then coming back for more.  With this in mind, I urge you to consider joining with fiscal conservatives and sign the "Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge."  It is about time that our elected officials began to act responsibly.  We all know the cuts are going to hurt. Do it now! Get it done!

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